Friday, May 29, 2009

A Better Burger

Well tonight it was Blue Moon attempt at being a vegetarian is quickly going south........but the blog must go on.

Ok, as for the ingredients, I actually had just about everything.

1 pound lean ground beef(ok, well i did not have this, so I did jump the shark a bit on the statement above......also I bought two pounds, cause I got people coming over. On a side note, the phrase "jump the shark", where in the hell did that phrase come from? anyone know? then drop me a comment)

4 shakes Worcesteshire sauce(I had a bottle of this, growing up, my dad used this stuff on meat like regular people use ketchup, so it is common to have this on hand)

Kosher salt and ground pepper for taste(got plenty of this)

1/4 pound blue cheese, cut into four pieces(Ok, I had some of this already, and if you can, I always get Bleu d'Auvergne it is creamier than Roquefort,since it is made from cow's milk rather than sheep's.)

1/4 cup dry red wine(I got wine all over the place)

4 crusty rolls or sourdough bread(had to buy this and I went for the sourdough, I have never been a fan of bread for a sandwich that is described as "crusty")

sliced red onion(got this left over from yesterdays meal, although I still do not know if it is a spanish onion)

Romaine Lettuce(still got this from yesterday too)

Season beef with Worcestershire and black pepper. Take a quarter of the beef in your hand, nest sme blue cheese in the meet and form a patty around the filling. Repeat with the rest of the meat and cheese, keeping the burgers no more then 3/4 inch think.

Pour the wine ito a shallow dish. Turn each burger in wine and let rest while you heat a nonstick griddle to medium heat.(at this point, it seems that rachael likes using griddle's, but I do not own a griddle and will be using a skillet, like normal people do). Cook burgers on each side. Check the internal temperature with a thermometer if you have one. 160 degrees is medium.(I have a thermometer, but I like going by sight on burgers, cause I like my burgers pretty much medium raw) Salt the burgers to taste. Place burgers on bread and top with onion and lettuce serve with fancy chips, now rachael suggests Yukon old Onion and garlic chips..........I think that sounds rather nasty, so I served them with Andy Capp Bacon Chedder Cheese Fries........looked rather cool with the burgers.

The verdict:

These were the total bomb, they taste just fantastic and i can also give this one my "two paws up" approval, cause the cats dug this one too. Even still steaming hot, the cats would not stop eating this and I am guessing, burning the roofs of their little mouths.

until tomorrow.........

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